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Blame It on the Rain...It Can Equal Bad News for Atlantan’s

(And 10 Ways to Stay Safe While Driving on Wet Roads)

Milli Vanilli (or at least the guys who really sang the song) said it best in their famous lyrics…”Blame It on the Rain.”

It’s no secret that October in Atlanta brings Halloween Spooktaculars, Daylight Savings and the onslaught of rainy days. It can be unclear when the time comes to stop wearing shorts and tanks and to pull out your handy rain gear because the radical weather conditions all seem to change so rapidly. But, what these changes translate to for Atlanta area drivers are stagnant puddles, heavy downpour while on highways, and in some cases the unfortunate and seemingly unavoidable auto accidents.

Are there More Accidents in the Rain

Let's take a closer look...With nearly six million vehicular accidents in the US each year, 22 are weather-related. As if that’s not enough, federal data shows that rain causes more driving fatalities than snow in 39 of the 50 states.

Rain causes driving hazards including:

  • Decreased visibility

  • Decreased tire traction

  • Hydroplaning

  • Brake failure due to wet brakes

So yes, there are more accidents in the rain (as compared to snow, sleet or fog).

2 Types of Bad Drivers

Here’s the problem...A lot of drivers don’t know how to drive in the rain. There are basically two categories - (1) Too Timid and (2) Too Aggressive. Both can equal the same level of misery for others on these wet roads.

Before I say any more, just answer this question to determine if you fall into one of the above categories:


A) During a heavy downpour.

B) After it has been raining for a while.

C) The first rain after a dry spell.

(scroll to the bottom of the page for the answer)

Why Is Rain So Dangerous to Drive In?

Seriously though, since a lot of drivers don’t know how to drive safely in the rain, it’s up to you to be aware. So, in an effort to keep you safe while on Atlanta’s wet roads, I’ve taken the liberty to provide a few tips to remind you of how to drive safely during rain.

10 Ways to Stay Safe While Driving in the Rain

  1. Slow’s always better to arrive safely than sorry

  2. Turn on your hazard lights...blinking lights can alert other drivers to slow down

  3. Leave space between vehicles...Always keep enough distance between your car and the vehicle in front of you

  4. Defog your windows to maintain good visibility...the rain makes it difficult to see.

  5. Turn on your headlights...Georgia Law requires it.

  6. Do Not Use Cruise want to be alert, responsive and in control.

  7. Avoid Standing Water...Simply put, rain makes everything slippery, and puddles that form can lead to hydroplaning.

  8. Plan for More Time on the Road...stop waiting until the last minute to leave home. It only leads to rushing.

  9. Be More Cautious with Braking...Rain actually causes your tires to lose traction—when the road gets wet, the water mixes with the dirt on the asphalt, making it harder for your tires to “hang on” to the road.

  10. Be Prepared in case of an accident...make sure you have the ASIC Rehab Auto Accident Kit in your glove compartment

So there you have it!

Last but not least, if you were hit by a car in Atlanta, or if one of your loved ones was a victim of a car accident, you need to receive a thorough examination to ensure there are no hidden injuries. Dr. Jackson of the Atlanta Sports and Injury Center and his staff will be happy to assist. Call personal injury chiropractor Dr. Antaures Jackson at (770) 909-0590 to schedule a free consultation.

Oh, and the correct answer is: THE FIRST RAIN AFTER A DRY SPELL.

By the way, if you’re one who complains of chronic joint pain with rain, studies show this is more than just an old wives tale. It’s believed to be the result of changes in barometric pressure. That’s just another way of describing any change in pressure. What this means for you is that your tendons, muscles, bones and scar tissue may contract, resulting in pain in the tissues surrounding these areas, which leads to joint stiffness and discomfort during movement. Hope that sufficiently answers a commonly asked question.

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